Let’s solve LeetCode problem 55 (Jump Game) using dynamic programming. Next week, we’ll consider a sneaky aspect of this problem.
The problem:
You are playing a game on a number line where the aim is to reach position n-1
starting from position 0
. As input, you get an array nums
of size n
containing non-negative integers. From position i
, you can move forward any distance between 0
and nums[i]
(inclusive). Can you reach the last position to win the game?
To solve a dynamic programming problem, we need to break it down into subproblems and use the subproblems to solve the original problem.
The original problem asks if we can get to position n-1
from position 0
. We could answer this by calculating the largest position we can reach from position 0
, and checking if it’s at least n-1
. Consider a function $f(x)$ that gives us the largest position we can reach from position $x$. Then, if $f(0) \geq n-1$, we win.
If nums[0]
is 0
, then it’s impossible to win the game. We can’t leave the starting position. But if nums[0]
is anything else, we can get from position 0
to positions 1
, 2
, 3
, up to position nums[0]
. Using our function $f$, let $a_x =$ nums[x]
. Then, if $a_x = 0$, $f(x) = x$. Otherwise, $f(x) = \max(f(x+1), f(x+2), …, f(x+a_x))$.
This definition of $f$ shows us the subproblems: $f(x+1), f(x+2)$, and so on. The subproblems are overlapping because we will need some of the same $f(x)$ values more than once. For example, if we can get from position 0
to positions 1
and 2
, then we’ll need the solutions to $f(1)$ and $f(2)$. And if we can get from position 1
to position 2
, then we’ll need the solution to $f(2)$ again.
Jump Game has optimal substructure because we can use optimal solutions to the subproblems to find an optimal solution to the original problem. Specifically, we need the largest member of a set of optimal subproblem solutions. Together, overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure are the characteristics of a dynamic programming problem.
As usual, a top-down DP implementation comes naturally from the subproblem analysis. Let’s take the top-down approach.
Let farthest(pos, nums)
be a recursive function that returns the farthest point reachable from pos
, and let n
be the length of nums
. There are two base cases to check: if nums[pos] == 0
, we will return pos
, since we can’t leave position pos
. And if pos == n-1
we will return n-1
, since we can always get to the last position from itself. After the base cases, we check subproblems farthest(pos+1, nums)
through farthest(pos+nums[pos], nums)
stopping early if pos
reaches the last element of nums
So far, this is just a recursive solution, not a dynamic programming solution. To get acceptable performance, we will save each farthest
result in an array dp
of the same size as nums
. When possible, we’ll look up the result in dp
instead of calling farthest
Here’s a pseudocode implementation:
n = length of nums
define an array dp of size n
dp[n-1] = n-1 // if we get to the last position, we're done
if farthest(0, nums) >= n-1, return true
else return false
farthest(pos, nums)
n = length of nums
if nums[pos] == 0, update dp and return pos // base case
if dp[pos] is defined, return dp[pos] // memoization
end = min(n-1, pos + nums[pos]) // stop if we get to the end
for each i from pos+1 to end
// update dp if we can get farther
dp[pos] = max(dp[pos], farthest(i, nums))
return dp[pos]
For a Java implementation with some optimizations and a preview of next week’s topic, see Prachi Sharma’s solution on LeetCode.
Thanks to Daniel Zingaro for suggesting an improvement to this article.
(Image credit: DALLĀ·E 3)
For an introduction to this year’s project, see A Project for 2024.